Creating a marketing portfolio will make you stand out from other marketers. I know this because it helped me land my dream job. But, I didn’t create a traditional portfolio.
When I went out to create my own marketing portfolio, I decided to create a small website called Marketer Milk — a place to show my work and talk about marketing.
What I didn’t realize was that creating a website for myself would actually be the catalyst for me to break into the tech scene in Silicon Valley and help me land my dream job leading content marketing at a unicorn company.
So the fact that you’re looking for marketing portfolio examples is a great sign that you’re headed down the right path for your career. You actually care. And you’d be surprised how far that will take you.
In this article, I decided to find several portfolios from marketers that I admire. The first 10 are real websites from really cool people. And the other seven are marketing portfolio templates you can use to build out your own site.
I'll show you a mix of personal brand portfolios and media brand portfolios. Some marketers prefer to create sites centered around their personal brand, while others (like myself), choose to build a brand that's bigger than just their name.
Okay, before we dive into these marketing portfolio examples, let’s first go over what you should include in yours.
What should you include in a marketing portfolio?
A marketing portfolio should be the place where you show more than you tell. The main goal is for someone — be it a recruiter, potential client, business partner, or customer — to land on your website, immediately understand what you do best (better than any other marketer), and trust that you have the skills and expertise to deliver results.
Here are some things you should include in your marketing portfolio:
- A clear hero section that explains who you are and what you do.
- Testimonials/referrals from previous managers, co-workers, or clients (recruiters usually ask for this, so giving them things before they ask shows you’re on top of your game).
- A contact page where people can get in touch with you.
- An about section that lets you dive deeper into who you are as a person.
- A section to showcase your body of work.
- Potentially a blog, that will allow you to be a thought leader in your space and help you drive traffic to your website from search engines.
I’ll give examples of all of these and we’ll talk about the pros and cons of each so keep on reading. But before I dive into the actual marketing portfolio websites, I want to address a serious question.
Personal brand or media brand?
This is something not many people talk about but I know will most likely cross your mind. Should you create a website using your actual name or should you create a brand that can eventually grow beyond just you?
The answer is it all depends on what you want. And it doesn’t have to be either-or. For example, I have my own personal website but I rarely add content to it. On the other hand, my actual website is this blog you’re currently reading. But it’s using my own media brand, Marketer Milk.
I personally took this approach because I want to drive traffic to my website and have potential clients learn about who I am and what I know. I also just love marketing so I need an outlet to write and create content — the world feels dull when I can't express myself.
So it all depends on whether you want to build a personal brand or media brand. The benefit of a personal brand is that, as your interests change, you can morph your website to be about whatever you want.
On the other hand, you also limit your website to just yourself and it makes it harder to scale things beyond just yourself.
The benefit of a media brand is that you can scale it beyond just you. But the downside is that it needs to stay on brand. For example, I can’t just start talking about farming on my website called Marketer Milk. I mean I could, but you get the point.
Alright, no more rambling, let’s get into portfolio examples from some of my favorite marketers.
17 unique marketing portfolio examples that do it right
Here are my favorite marketing portfolio websites:
- Adam Durrant
- Pat Timmons
- Vassilena Valchanova
- Wes Kao
- Steph Smith
- Natania Creates
- Victoria Kurichenko
- Amanda Miller
- Corey Haines
- Helen Min
- Harvey Oliver
- SteveFolio
- Emma J.
- Athos 2.0
- Display
- Clientele
- AliahJohnson
Alright, let’s take a deeper look at each of these marketing portfolio examples.
1. Adam Durrant

- Portfolio built with: Custom React code
Adam Durrant is an SEO consultant turned web developer. When you land on Adam’s portfolio you can tell it’s no ordinary cookie-cutter portfolio website. The design is unique, while also having a clean and modern feel — making it easy to digest and navigate.
The tabs on the left side allow you to jump between pages on the site so you can learn more about Adam, browse through case studies and projects, read referrals and testimonials from other people Adam has worked with (big brownie points for this one), and a bunch of resources on blog posts and tools that Adam loves.
Overall, Adam’s portfolio is really sick and one of my favorites on this list.
2. Pat Timmons

- Portfolio built with: Webflow
Pat Timmons is an empathetic marketer, writer, and of course, Caesar salad lover. Pat’s forte is social media and building Webflow sites, and this portfolio is a testament to Pat’s talent in these fields.
I like this portfolio a lot because it’s quite unique from what we normally see. There’s a cool cursor, a clear image of Pat (adding a human touch), and super easy navigation to learn more about what Pat has done in the past.
Pat also has some portfolio-inception going on — with a separate resume that is linked out to from the original portfolio’s navbar. Overall, if you’re looking for a playful and well-designed marketing portfolio, this is one to definitely check out.
3. Vassilena Valchanova

- Portfolio built with: WordPress
Vassy is a marketer I love, and I’ve shared some of her stuff in my newsletter before. The thing I love about Vassilena’s marketing portfolio is that it’s super content-driven. She has free blog posts, a newsletter, and a course that helps her build credibility in her marketing skillsets.
Her navbar also has everything she does clearly labeled — making it easy to work with her or get her expert training.
With the wide range of content available on her site, Vassy’s portfolio is a great example to look up to if you plan on becoming a freelancer or creator in the marketing space. With a portfolio so rich, I’m sure Vassy has more work opportunities coming her way than she knows what to do it.
Big inspo here!
4. Wes Kao

- Portfolio built with: Squarespace
Next up is Wes. Wes Kao is a legend in the marketing space. She has a really popular newsletter and is also the Co-Founder of Maven — an e-learning platform designed to help educators create cohort-based online classes.
I love Wes’ portfolio website because it's very much content-driven in the same way Vassy’s is. From podcast episodes, newsletter editions, blog posts, and even courses, all of it can be found on Wes’ site.
If you’re a “marketing entrepreneur,” you definitely want to check out Wes’ marketing portfolio!
5. Steph Smith

- Portfolio built with: Custom code
This wouldn’t be a post about the best marketing portfolios if I did mention Steph. Steph Smith is a well-renowned marketer who has an impressive resume and body of work.
She previously worked at The Hustle (acquired by HubSpot) and is also a podcast host for a16z (a popular VC firm).
The thing I like about Steph’s website is that it is also very content-driven. She has courses, guides, and tons of resources that not only help marketers and product leaders but also show her credibility in her niche. It’s another great example of a portfolio from someone who is both a professional marketer and an entrepreneur. Good stuff.
6. Natania Creates

- Portfolio built with: WordPress
Staying on the theme of marketing entrepreneurs, next up is Natania. Natania is a marketer and creator who helps women scale their online businesses. The cool thing about Natania’s portfolio is that she’s been able to create her own brand.
What a lot of marketers think is that your portfolio needs to be a personal brand. But having a media company, that’s not your actual name, is also a form of having a personal brand. I mean, take this website for example — it’s not my own name.
This approach allows you to create a brand identity that goes beyond just yourself. And Natania is a great example of a marketing portfolio that is dipping into those waters.
7. Victoria Kurichenko

- Portfolio built with: WordPress
Staying on the theme of brands as personal brands, we have Victoria Kurichenko. Victoria’s marketing portfolio is actually her own media company called Self Made Millennials.
The thing I love about Victoria’s website is that not only is it content-driven, but it’s also SEO driven. Because Victoria sells SEO services, she shows that she knows what she’s doing by creating a website that gets a lot of SEO traffic.
There’s also tons of social proof on her site, helping her sell her services in a more show-don’t-tell kind of way. If you’re an SEO or content marketer, Victoria’s site is definitely one you have to check out.
8. Amanda Miller

- Portfolio built with: Squarespace
Amanda Miller is a copywriter and marketer who has a great portfolio website that is very human-driven. Right away, you can see a picture of Amanda in the hero section of her website. As you scroll down you can also see a video from her — something I don’t see many marketing portfolio websites do.
On top of that, the messaging on Amanda’s site is very clear. And it makes sense. Right away, you know that Amanda is an SEO and copywriting professional who knows how to speak to an audience.
She has tons of social proof from past (impressive) clients like Zapier, Mojo, BMC Software, and more. Again, this is another show-don’t-tell kind of portfolio that we love to see.
9. Corey Haines

- Portfolio built with: Webflow
Next up is Corey Haines. Cory is a marketer I respect a lot and one that I had the pleasure of interacting with back when I was on the marketing team at Webflow. He really knows his stuff.
What I love about Corey’s portfolio is it’s no fluff approach. It’s a super simple website that links out to all of the projects and companies Corey runs. Corey has a lot going on. And his site is designed in a way to show it all, while not overwhelming website visitors.
There are clear dropdown buttons that expand on everything Corey is working on, his favorite resources and tools, collaboration opportunities, and a lot more. Each time you click on these items, there are a ton of outbound links that go to all the different tools and resources Corey has.
And of course, the main attraction of Corey’s marketing portfolio is the newsletter subscribe option. It’s super clear and right in the center of the page. With a dark navy background, the yellow subscribe button pops and makes it easy for website visitors to subscribe to his newsletter.
After all, Corey is a marketer so I’m not surprised he knows his color psychology stuff. Another amazing portfolio to check out from a world-class marketer.
10. Helen Min

- Portfolio built with: Squarespace
Born and raised in Buffalo, New York, Helen Min is a talented marketing executive who has worked with, and been the CMO of, some really impressive companies — one of them being AngelList.
I like Helen’s portfolio because it’s a great example of a portfolio that is simple, but also makes it easy to reach out to her. She’s also secretly a marketer I admire — living the CMO life that still feels like a pipe dream for me.
Either way, Helen’s portfolio is a great example to look at if you’re a busy marketing executive but still want to create an online presence where people can get in touch with you.
The rest of the portfolios on this list aren’t from real people. But they are great marketing portfolio templates you can use to kickstart your own portfolio.
11. Harvey Oliver

- Portfolio built with: Webflow
Harvey Oliver is a one-page portfolio template that is great for marketers who want a clean, editorial-style portfolio.
In Webflow fashion, there are clean scroll interactions and great fonts that make this marketing portfolio feel elegant. It’s also very much focused on the human itself. So if you sell consulting or freelancing services, this a great website template to showcase your previous work history and give prospects a way to get in touch with you.
12. SteveFolio

- Portfolio built with: Webflow
SteveFolio is another Webflow portfolio template designed for marketers and creatives. The minimalist feel of this template reminds me of Adam’s portfolio which we went over earlier in this article.
It’s got ample white space and modern typography that make it feel super premium. This is also another one-page portfolio site that makes it easy to get your own site up and running quickly, without feeling overwhelmed that you need to load it with a bunch of content.
This is probably one of my favorite portfolio templates out there.
13. Emma J.

- Portfolio built with: Webflow
The last Webflow portfolio template is Emma J. This portfolio reminds me of the human approach Adamada’s portfolio took. In the hero section, there’s a picture of a person that can easily be swapped with your own.
There are also beautiful animations and interactions as you scroll through the website — making it a great website experience for anyone browsing through this portfolio.
If you want to impress potential clients or recruiters and give them a delightful experience when checking out your website, this template is definitely one to check out.
Alright, now let's get into some other website templates that are built on Framer.
14. Athos 2.0

- Portfolio built with: Framer
Athos 2.0 is a popular Framer portfolio template that gives off the same vibe as a SaaS website. It’s a simple one-page portfolio template but it’s so clean. I actually can’t get over how awesome this template is.
The colors, the scrolling animations, the typography — chefs kiss to everything this template has to offer. It’s one of those templates that makes your portfolio look and feel like a startup. So if you’re selling services or products, this is a great template to check.
15. Display

- Portfolio built with: Framer
Keeping the theme of making your portfolio feel like a startup, next up is the Display website template. This template is more than just a simple resume thrown up on a website. It is fully equipped with a blog and separate pages like a contact page, an about page, and a portfolio of work page.
If you’re a creative or brand marketer, that also plans on showcasing your knowledge through a blog, this portfolio has your name written all over it. Okay, I understand that line sounded really cheesy. But seriously, this portfolio is pretty dope and I highly recommend checking it out if this is your type of style.
16. Clientele

- Portfolio built with: Framer
Next up is the Clientele portfolio template. This Framer website template is ideal for marketing consultants or freelancers looking to showcase case studies of their past work. It’s a simple one-page website template that is focused on getting people to get in touch with you.
If you’re looking for something simple and clean, with smooth scrolling, this template is one you have to check out.
17. AliahJohnson

- Portfolio built with: Framer
Last but not least, we have AliahJohnson. This template is great for creatives and content creators looking to visually showcase their work.
It also has a blog section, called “Stories”, where you can do, you guessed it, tell your stories. This makes it a great marketing portfolio template if you want to create content and build trust with potential clients. The blog article pages are also super clean and pleasing to the eye.
Definitely check this one out if you’re more of a storyteller type of marketer.
And that’s it!
Now I want to go over some tools to help you build out your portfolio.
How many pages should a marketing portfolio be?
Most marketing portfolios are one-page websites. However, if you plan on using your portfolio to find clients, it’s recommended that you have a few extra pages like: a contact page, an about page, and a blog.
This way, you can leverage content marketing and SEO on your blog to attract people to your website. And you can give website visitors the opportunity to browse around your site — turning it into a full-on web experience.
However, you don’t always need a website with a bunch of pages. As we saw in this article, with both real portfolios and templates, many of these types of sites are simple one-page websites. It’s all you really need if you want to use your portfolio as a public resume for recruiters or potential clients. Especially if you use social media or drive traffic to your website from other platforms, one-page portfolios will do the job.
It’s when you want to drive traffic to your website from search engines like Google, that I’d recommend having more pages to support stuff like blog content.
Tools to create a marketing portfolio
Creating a marketing portfolio is not that hard. There are tons of website builders out there that can help you do it. I listed several templates in this article from actual website builders!
My favorite website builder would have to be Webflow. And this is mainly because of the total design flexibility and the amazing CMS it has for creating content and driving SEO traffic. I also really like Framer for its use of use and stunning designs. But, as you probably saw in some of the portfolio examples in this article, many marketers also use Squarespace. It's great if you want something super easy and templatized.
Outside of standard website builders, you can also approach your portfolio in some unconventional ways. For example, you can use:
- Notion: To link out to all of your case studies and previous work history. Or, just publish your resume publicly. You can use Notion Sites for this.
- Pitch: Use this presentation platform to create a portfolio that you can link out to on your LinkedIn profile for recruiters to see.
- Loom: You can create a video explainer about yourself and link out to the video on your social media and LinkedIn profile.
- Airtable: You can create a database of all of your work and give the link to anyone who asks you for examples of previous projects.
Of course, I would always recommend having a website, or at least buying the domain of your name. But these are some tools you can use to create your own portfolio and stand out from the rest.
Remember, most marketers don’t even have a portfolio to begin with. So don’t stress too much about creating the perfect portfolio right away. Simply having a one-page website will put you ahead of most marketers out there.
Alright, catch ya later!
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